Bring your own containers including bottles, jars and bags to fill with household essentials.

We stock whole foods, household detergents and toiletries. Click below for a more comprehensive list of our products.




Having been lucky enough to travel to some magical places in the world we know that the saddest part of travelling is finding plastic pollution on beaches, mountains and in cities and countryside. 

The fact is that a plastic bottle can last for 450 years in the marine environment, during which time it slowly fragments into smaller and smaller pieces which eventually end up microscopic but never truly go away.

Plastic outlives all of us

The amount of plastic waste generated annually in the UK is estimated to be nearly 5 million tonnes. Only a third of plastic packaging used in consumer products is recycled each year, with almost two-thirds sent to landfill or incinerated, according to new research.

At BYO we are average people who, inspired by our experiences, are trying to be conscious about the way that we shop and live, with less waste and a lot less plastic.   

We hope that after hearing these statistics you to ask yourself "Could I buy this in a more sustainable way?" when purchasing food and general household goods.

Our concept is to be instrumental in inspiring a zero waste culture.

Our goal is to no longer be a specialist store as zero waste packaging becomes the normal way to sell all products currently available with unnecessary packaging. 


The Five Fundamentals of Zero Waste

If we all commit to considering each of these steps when buying and consuming toiletries, household detergents and toliletries the positive impact on the environment will be considerable and we will all benefit - for generations to come.